Mortgage Renewal Deal

Renewal Guide On Getting The Best Mortgage Renewal Deal

Is your mortgage about to expire? Upon the expiration of your mortgage term, you will have several choices, including renewal and refinancing. Among other criteria, what you do may have an impact on the amount you are expected to pay at each instalment.

It can be tempting to sign the renewal agreement without giving it much thought at the end of your mortgage term in order to save yourself the trouble of refinancing or switching lenders. But it’s crucial to give your choice careful thought and to take your present and future financial objectives into account. 

In this blog, we’ll be providing advice on mortgage renewal in Abbotsford for homeowners just like you who are thinking about renewing their mortgage.

  • Avoid Renewing Right Away

We certainly don’t blame you if the mortgage process is unclear and irritating to you, as it is for many homeowners. We urge you to take some time to carefully weigh your options, even if it can seem easier to just accept whatever offer your lender makes. Something that works better for you and costs less might be discovered.

  • Think About Your Future and Present Financial Objectives

The ideal time to revaluate your financial demands is when your mortgage term is coming to a close. This will enable you to decide on the best course of action, be it to renew your mortgage or go in a different direction. Consider these questions:

  1. Can you afford to pay a higher mortgage? 
  2. Do you require help with payment processing?
  3. Would you like to alter the frequency of your payments?
  4. Do you think you could find a better fit elsewhere, or are you satisfied with your lender’s attitude to service?
  5. Would you like to combine other debts?
  • Compare Prices

Find out what else is available. It’s possible that the lending market has evolved and that another lender can offer you a better deal. Similarly, you might discover that you’re better off remaining with what you already have since mortgage rates are unpredictable.

  • Never Be Afraid to Request a Higher Rate

Many homeowners are able to work out a better agreement with their lender through negotiation. You never know until you ask if you’re eligible for a better rate than what they first give!

  • Engage With A Mortgage Broker

A mortgage broker in Abbotsford can do so much more than just guide you in the right way with useful advice. These experts serve as an unbiased mediator between the lender and you, the borrower.

If you would like to modify your mortgage or get a lower interest rate, for example, a mortgage broker can assist in negotiating with your lender to reach an agreement.


Getting a mortgage can be stressful. But as one mortgage term comes to a close and a new one begins, we advise you to take some time to think about what’s best for you. It’s possible that you can get a fantastic price.

Speak with Satbir Bhullar, a seasoned mortgage broker in Abbotsford and Surrey right away to find out how to get a fantastic mortgage renewal offer for your upcoming term.