mortgage broker

Is Refinancing The Best Choice To Pay Off Your Debt?

Want to save on interest rates? This could be the ideal time to refinance your mortgage and free up some cash to pay off that high-interest credit card debt. With interest rates rising and household debt on the rise, it’s better to opt for refinancing soon rather than waiting for the rates to come to a halt.

Speak with a mortgage broker in Abbotsford to know how you can increase the amount of money coming into your bank each month by using the equity in your home and pay off high-interest debt on loans and credit card.

Why Refinance?

Since interest rates will probably increase in the coming days, homeowners are advised mortgage refinancing to switch to a cheaper rate and save thousands of dollars annually.

If you pay off your mortgage loan before it renews, there are penalties, but they might be outweighed by the additional funds you could get from a refinance.

Benefits Of Refinancing

You’ll be able to control your debt better if you have more money available with you. Also, you may be able to refinance your initial mortgage and remove some equity to fund investments, vacations, home improvements, or even your kids’ education. Some of the other benefits of refinancing include:

  • Lower interest rate
  • Avoid mortgage insurance
  • Reduced loan term
  • Lower monthly mortgage payments
  • Gives access to equity
  • Saving on interest cost
  • Pay off your mortgage sooner
  • Switching loan types
  • Consolidate debts

Limitations Of Refinancing

Remember that refinancing may result in an extension of the period required to pay off your mortgage. To overcome this hurdle, there are numerous strategies to shorten your amortization period, reduce your mortgage balance faster, and save you thousands of dollars.

Homeowners risk paying thousands of dollars in interest each year by signing mortgage renewal deals from banks, credit unions, or other lenders without taking the time to thoroughly investigate their choices with a mortgage consultant.


By shopping around for a perfect deal for mortgage refinancing in Abbotsford, homeowners can access the options not only from the banks but also from the local who usually have flexible terms and conditions, along with the lowest interest rates to offer.

It’s more crucial than ever to take the time to speak with an Abbotsford mortgage consultant and know your refinancing options to save big. By opting for refinancing, eligible homeowners can pay off their debt and put themselves in a better financial position.

If you are looking for a reliable mortgage broker to take you through the complex process of mortgage refinancing, Satbir Bhullar is here to help you out. Being a seasoned mortgage broker, he knows how to secure you a competitive mortgage deal and save you with dollars in the long run. For more details, give him a call today.